Monday, February 25, 2008

Eatin at the Field

Well we weren't truly at the "field". Back in the day when Daddy T was around, He, Rusty and Russ had wheat fields. The ladies would take lunch and dinner to the guys in the field. It was a job for a couple of months that was from sun up on into the night. My sister-n-laws birthday is in June which is prime wheat season so alot of her birthdays I have been told were spent in the wheat fields. When Russ and I first were married I got to experience cooking just a couple of times for everyone and then taking it to the field for the guys and Sharla and Nanaw were there also.
Daddy T is no longer with us. Rusty and Russ are building a barn next to our house so this Sunday it was so nice I just thought I would take lunch to the "field" just like in the good ol days even though they were really just right next door. My children have never experienced the field lunch so I thought it would be pretty neat memory for them. You just pack everything up like a picnic, throw in some chairs and haul the food. Lay everything out on the tailgate and did in! The kids just loved it especially Rylan! Watch out for the wind though! Here are some pics.

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