Thursday, February 21, 2008

I forgot!!!!

We have a time out X at our house. ( I am proud to say I figured out all on my own to tape an X on the carpet for a specific spot the girls would know to go to for time out. Ha, not a week later I see Super Nanny explaining this to a parent. I had a proud parent moment!)

I had sent Micah to time out for I can't even recall now. Well I called for her to come to me and she didn't answer. I continued to wash dishes and forgot all about her and it never occuring to me in my busyness why she didn't answer me in the first place. So later yes I did remember her and found her fast asleep on our time out X. Bless her little soul!!!!

Oh, and don't you just love how her shirt is tucked in her pants at her belly. She sometimes forgets to pull her shirt out and fix it after going poddy. We were getting Rylans hair cut at cool cuts the other day and we used the poddy, both girls and I while Ry was getting a cut. Well about 5 minutes later after exiting the bathroom and going to the little play area and me sitting to read a magazine while the girls played, I looked up at the girls fussing and saw Micah's little dress tucked into the front of her panty's and she had been this way all this time! Where was my attention?

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